Dorothy Wong Ka Chung
& Benjamin Ryser

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Formed 2015       










Artist Residency   
& Programme   







& Event  



Dorothy Wong Ka Chung 黃加頌
Born 1991 British Hong Kong, Media Artist

Benjamin Ryser

Born 1989 Switzerland, Sound Artist/ Composer

2020      Werkbeitrag der Stadt St. Gallen 2020, Switzerland

2019      Honourable Mention (@Tree Tree Tree Person), 2019 Taipei Art Awards, Taiwan

2018      Selected Artist, Hong Kong Human Rights Art Prize, Hong Kong   

2025    Borealis Festival - en festival for eksperimentell musikk, Bergen, Norway

2024    Tree Tree Tree Person- Taroko Arts Residency, Truku Tribe, Taiwan
            bminor, Arizona, The United States of America

2023    Tree Tree Tree Person- Taroko Arts Residency, Truku Tribe, Taiwan

2022 -  Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi, Venice, Italy

2022     ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz), Berlin, Germany

2020     Tai Kwun Artist’s Studio, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong

2019     尋找刺桐的家- 平埔族群在哪裡 (Finding Coraltree’s Home – Where is Taiwanese Plains Indigenous Peoples), Hong-Gah Museum / Tree Tree Tree                  Person, Taiwan

             Tzara geht zur Schule (Tzara goes to school), collaborate with Ensemble Tzara, Switzerland

             Artist-in-Residence, Fundaziun Nairs, Switzerland

2018     Tree Tree Tree Person I&II  – Taiwan Taroko Arts Residency,  Taiwan

2017     Tree Tree Tree Person II – Taiwan Taroko Arts Residency, Taiwan

2015     Transcultural Collaboration, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Switzerland / Hong Kong / Hangzhou / Shanghai

2025-   Group Exhibition, “Heimspiel 2024”, Kunstmuseum Thurgau, St. Gallen, Switzerland

2023     Screeninng,  “EX!T 13 Taiwan International Experimental Media Art Exhibition”, Guling Street Avant-garde Theater, Taipei, Taiwan

            Artist Dialogue, “Irregular Cohabitation”, WMA Hong Kong, Hong Kong

            Group Exhibition, “Tree Tree Tree Person– Taroko Arts Residency Project IV Part 3: Family Matters in the Mountains”, The Cube Project Spac, Taipei, Taiwan

            Artist boat / walking tour (with photo-audio), “我似乎站在不穩的陸地上 come se stessi ritto su un terreno instabile, Prohelvetia (Swiss Arts Council),Residencies at Palazzo Trevisan, Venice, Italy

            Duo Solo Exhibition, “Irregular Plurals: Dwelling”, WMA Hong Kong, Hong Kong

            Open Studio, Prohelvetia (Swiss Arts Council), Residencies at Palazzo Trevisan, Venice, Italy

            Online Talk, “Diasporic Memories”, Curated by Futuress, Online Worldwide

            Art Book Fair, Public Programme (Photo-audio city walk), “BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair 2023”, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong     

2022     Audio-photo city walk, “Why are you here? 你點解會黎到呢到? Warum bist du hier?“, ABA Salon, Berlin, Germany

             Radio Show, ABA Air Salon, Freies Radio Berlin, Germany
             Joint Exhibition, The Wall - Reunion or Devide A Dialog between Hong Kong & GermanySomoS Arts, Berlin, Germany

             City Audio Walk, What Time Is It Over There?, SomoS Arts, Berlin, Germany

             City Audio Walk, What Time Is It Over There?, Haus der Statistik, ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz), Berlin,  Germany

2021     Joint Exhibition, Heimspiel 2021, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, Switzerland

              Solo Exhibition, flüstern von fern 遠方來的耳語, Architektur Forum Ostschweiz, Switzerland

2019     Joint Exhibition, 2019 Taipei Art Awards Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan

             Artist Residency Exhibition, Il flüm e üna punt vi l’otra riva (The river is a bridge to the other shore), Fundaziun Nairs, Switzerland

             Screening and listening event, Going Back III, Datong Village Taroko National Park, Taiwan

             Joint Exhibition and Artist Workshops, 尋找刺桐的家 - 平埔族群在哪裡 (Finding Coraltree’s Home – Where is Taiwanese Plains Indigenous 
Hong-Gah Museum, Taiwan

             Exhibition Performance, Tzara geht zur Schule (Tzara goes to school),
             Autonome Schule Zürich (Autonomous School Zurich), Switzerland
             Autonome Schule Biel (Autonomous School Biel), Switzerland
             integra bildung für alle (Integra – Education for All), Switzerland

2018     Monthly Exhibition Events, Taroko Arts Residency Project (I&II) one year project, Datong Village Taroko National Park, Taiwan

             Joint Exhibition, Hong Kong Human Rights Arts Prize Exhibition, Hong Kong

             Artist Residency Exhibition, Taroko Arts Residency Project (I&II), The Cube Project Space, Taiwan

             Screening, o!sland Screening Sharing and Discussion, Oncurating Project Space, Zurich

             Screening, Extraction & Exchange, making art away from home - Study Room Gathering, LADA (Live Art Development Agency), London

2017     Screening, Taroko Artist Residency Project Screening + Artists Sharing, Intermission, Hong Kong

             Screening, Hong Kong Art Week - Art Symposium: Asia: New Frontiers in the Art World, Asia Society, Hong Kong

             Performance, Tree Tree Tree Person – Taroko Arts Residency Project, Taroko National Park, Taiwan

             Joint Exhibition, Tree Tree Tree Person – Taroko Arts Residency Project, Taipei Contemporary Art Center, Taiwan

             Joint Exhibition, Tree Tree Tree Person – Taroko Arts Residency Project, Howl Space, Taiwan

2016     Multimedia Dance Performance, Poet, Dancer, And Another One, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong

             Performance,Just Add Water, Corner College art space, Switzerland

2015     Joint Exhibition and Performance, HOU GAO YEAH!, XXX Gallery, Hong Kong

             Multi-media Performance, Waiting in Zurich, Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland

             Joint Exhibition and Performance, HOT POT - Spicy Little Art Festival, Kai Tak Campus Academy of Visual Arts Baptist University, Hong Kong